Sunday, August 15, 2010

Inside out

I'm burning from the inside out
screaming inside these walls
falling apart with nothing to hold me together

The fire consumes me and no one sees the flames
The shouting fills my ears but no others hear me
I try carefully to pick up the pieces
only to drop them and watch as they shatter further

The smoke fills my senses, but i've grown numb to this
My throat holds no more screams, even my voice has shattered
Pieces of my self slip through my fingers, I no longer care to hold on

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Drive Faster

And as you cry all i can do is drive faster
press the petal to the floor
as your tears fall faster

flying into the night
your heartbreaking anguish
pushes us ever faster

I speed down the street
as you sit unblinkingly silent
the quiet even louder then your screams

And as you sit there and cry
I die a little inside
watching you break into pieces
All I can do is drive faster...

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I'm looking for purchase on sunken earth
searching for something to hold on to
reaching for something tangible

But my feet just can't catch hold
and my hands keep coming up empty
what I need always just out of reach

So I stumble and fall
clench my fists to my side
pull my reach back in defeat

I'm looking for purchase on sunken earth
and I find myself falling forward...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

cagged bird

heart hammering
like that of a frightened bird
banging against it's cage
until it's heart explodes
panic grips me
squeezing me tight
can't breathe
gotta escape from here
have to flee
leaving behind my dignity
heart still racing
running and running
and just like the bird
my heart explodes...

Sunday, January 24, 2010


You are what makes these eyes sparkle
lighting up when just the thought of you appears
whithout you they shine hollow and empty

You are what makes this voice rise
rolling out of me like crashing waves
without you it cracks and strains

you are what makes my mouth smile
lifting at the corners with every joke you share
without you it curls falsely without meaning

you are what makes this heart beat
thumping out your name with every pump of blood
without you it shrivels and dies...

You are what makes these eyes sparkle

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I taste bleach under my finger nails
the taste of it bitter in my mouth
the grime from the scrubbing
finally washed from them

brittle nails bent and broken
from the cleaning of the filth
filled with the mess
that I scrapped from here

So I cut them short
uneven and rough
smoothed down by the scrubbing
still tasting of bleach
making me wonder idly
how much i'd have to drink to die

I taste bleach under my fingernails

Thursday, January 7, 2010

missing you

my soul is crying
my heart is racing
my palms are sweating

missing you
is the hardest thing
I've ever been through

my feet are racing
my mind is reeling
my chest is pounding

counting the hours
days, months
till I see your face again

my heart is aching
my eyes cry dry
my soul reaches out for yours

I need you
hold me close
and don't let go